Psychology Before Psychology

10 important questions on Psychology Before Psychology

What did Avicenna write about Psychological Illness?

He endorsed the doctrine of the four humors in the tradition of Hippocrates and Galen, as well as the brain's role in psychological disturbances.

His theory about inner senses addressed the relationships between:

  1. Perception
  2. Memory
  3. Imagination

He even speculated about what parts of the brain control different psychological functions.

As who was Avicenna (980-1031) known in Arabic?

ibn Sina

When did ibn Sina live?

From 980 to 1031.
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When did more modern approaches to psychology begin?

After the European Renaissance (fifteenth to sixteenth centuries) brought a sea change of cultural and intellectual values, attention was drawn away from the world beyond and back to this world.

Philosophers started to revisit the questions asked by the ancient Greeks and then built upon those ideas to create a new way of seeing the Mind.

What was Descarte's contribution to the history of psychology?

Fundamentally, Descarte's contribution to psychology was to make the concept of mind front and center of his philosophy. His famous phrase Cogito ergo sum links the mental fuction of thinking to the proof of his very existence. He was extremely interested in the relationships between mental and bodily processes.

How did Descartes understand the workings of the brain and the nervous system?

Descartes wrote that impressions of the outside world are made on our sensory organs causing animal spirits to press on our brain. The brain then sends the fluid down to our body through our nerves, causing muscles to expand and move.

He also identified the pineal gland, which lies at the base of the brain, as the site where the non-physical mind and the physical body interact.

How did Spinoza contribute to the history of psychology?

Spinoza believed our primary psychological drive to be the promotion and protection of our own well-being and survival, an idea that anticipated evolutionary psychology.

He also believed our three primary emotions to be:

  1. Pleasure
  2. Pain
  3. Desire

This anticipated Freud's pleaure principle.

Finally, Spinoza taught that our cognitive appraisal of any situation will determine our emotional response. In other words how we think about an event will shape how we feel about it. Therefore we can change our emotions by changing our thoughts. This is the basic principle behind cognitive therapy.

Who was Benedict de Spinoza?

Benedict de Spinoza (1632-1677) was a sephardic Jew living in the Netherlands in the seventeenth century. Now seen as one of the first modern philosophers, he was excommunicated in 1656 from the Jewish community for what was then considered heretical writings.

What were Thomas Hobbes's views about the relationships between ideas?

Hobbes believed that all our knowledge comes from our sense impressions. Memories are the residues of the initial sense impressions, somewhat like waves that continue even after the wind ceases.

He noted that ideas get linked together in memory when the sense impressions first occur close in time. This concept of associative memory became the basis of behaviorism.

How did John Locke build on earlier ideas?

John Locke divided ideas into two classes:

  1. Sensation, our initial sense impressions.
  2. Reflection, the mind's actions on the initial sense impressions

Thus he distinguished between perception and cognition.

Further he considered our complex ideas to derive from combinations of simple ideas. The notion that cognition develops from the simple to the complex anticipates Piaget and other twentieth-century cognitive psychologists.

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