Brain and Behavior - Beneath the Cortex

10 important questions on Brain and Behavior - Beneath the Cortex

What do the amygdala and the hypothalamus do?

The amygdala seems to be an early responder to emotionally significant signals from the environment. It is particularly reactive to fearful stimuli. The amygdala activates the hypothalamus which in turn activates the autonomic nervous system, in part through control of important hormones. The autonomic nervous system regulates the physiological components of emotion.

What do the other limbic structures do?

The septum is a small area that is involved with the experience of pleasure among other functions.

The cingulate gyrus is a long structure that wraps around numerous other subcortical regions and has attentional, emotional, and cognitive functions. More specifically, it is involved with decision making.

What are the major functions of the Cortex or Neocortex?

  1. Perception
  2. Action
  3. Cognition
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What are the major functions of the Parietal Lobe?

  1. Touch
  2. Taste
  3. Spatial Processing
  4. Attention

What are the major functions of the Temporal Lobe?

  1. Hearing
  2. Language
  3. Memory
  4. Object recognition

What is the major function of the Amygdala?

Emotional Reactions

What are the major functions of the Cingulate Gyrus?

  1. Emotion
  2. Attention
  3. Cognitive Functions

What are the major functions of the Hypothalamus?

Coordination Mental and Physiological Processes.

What is the major function of the Basal Ganglia (Globus Pallidus, Putamen, Caudate Nucleus)?

Automatic Behavioral Sequences

What are the major functions of the Brain Stem (Pons, Medula Oblongata)?

Basic Physiological Processes: Digestion, Respiration, Cardiac Function.

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