Build the guiding team
4 important questions on Build the guiding team
What is the common problem of step 2 build the guiding team?
Which two characteristics has a powerful guiding team?
2. Demonstrates teamwork, key issue is trust
What works build the guiding team, help to form a group that has the capability in membership and method of operating- to guide a very difficult change proces?
2. Modeling the trust and teamwork needed in the group
3. Structuring meeting formats for the guiding team so as to minimize frustration and increase trust
4. Putting your energy into step 1 (raising urgency) if you cannot take on the step 2 challenge and if the right people will not
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What does not work during step 2 build the guiding team?
2. Not confronting the situation when momentum and entrenched power centers undermine the creation of the right group
3. Trying to leave out or work around the head of the unit to be changed because he or she is hopeless
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