Rising above mediocrity and joining the top - Step 2: Identify the causes of mediocrity - Isolating incidents

6 important questions on Rising above mediocrity and joining the top - Step 2: Identify the causes of mediocrity - Isolating incidents

What is isolating incidents?

Mistakenly assume the choice we make now only affects that particular moment

What is the real monumental impact and consequence of each and every choice and action?

Who we are becoming thereby determening the quality of life we will live

Into what two choices can you seperate all of your choices that will shape your identity?

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What happens when you choose to do the right thing and follow through with your commitments, especially when you don't feel like it?

You develop extraordinary discipline

What does the easy thing (hitting the snooze button) program into our subconscious mind?

That it is okay not to follow through with the things we intended to do

We should stop isolating incidents, what do we need to start with?

Seeing the bigger picture

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