Rising above mediocrity and joining the top

5 important questions on Rising above mediocrity and joining the top

What is the universal challenge we face every day when we wake up?

To overcome mediocrity and live to our full potential

What does 95% of society settle for?

They settle for far less than they truly want in life

What is the crucial question we need to find an answer to in this chapter: 'The 95% reality check'?

What can we do now to ensure that we don't end up like the 95% majority will?
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What are we setting ourselves up for if we don't commit to thinking and living differently than most people now?

A life of mediocrity, struggle and regret - like most people

What does the average person have on a physical, relationship and financial level ?

Low energy levels, struggling to make it work and not earning as much as they truly want

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