Rising above mediocrity and joining the top - Step 2: Identify the causes of mediocrity - Lack of urgency

4 important questions on Rising above mediocrity and joining the top - Step 2: Identify the causes of mediocrity - Lack of urgency

Most people have no sense of urgency to improve themselves so they can improve their lives.

How can you call the mindset that comes with this?

The 'someday' mindset

The someday mindset is perpetual, where does it lead to?

A life of procrastination, unfulfilled potential and regret

Translate into dutch: The someday mindset is perpetual.

De 'ooit' mindset is eeuwigdurend
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What time matters more than any other time in your life? And why?

Right now, because what you do today is determining who you become and who you become will determine the quality and direction of your life

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