The Excellence and Benefits of Bodhicitta

19 important questions on The Excellence and Benefits of Bodhicitta

Can you describe the example of the miraculous fruit-bearing tree on bodhicitta?

Virtues not informed by bodhicitta are like the plantain tree, bearing fruit only once, and giving nothing more before dying at its roots. Likewise the happiness from this ordinary virtue results in higher rebirths, but is then exhausted. The virtue of the Shravakas and Pratyekabuddhas ripens in exhaustion of the aggregates, leaving no remainder. The virtue of bodhicitta are fruits that never vanish but increase. Its karmic effects, similar to the cause continue to grow and increase without end. The final result of this is the body of a Buddha.

Can you describe the example of the heroic bodyguard on bodhicitta?

Unbearable wickedness, e.g: rejecting the Dharma, harming the 3 Jewels, sins of immediate effect (kill one's parents, kill an Arhat, shed the blood of a Buddha with evil intent, cause a schism in the sangha). Just like a murderer has recourse to a powerful escort, and is delivered from fear, so too those with bodhicitta are instantly freed from the sufferings of hell, or with only the slightest time spent suffering there.

Can you describe the example of the fires at the end of time on bodhicitta?

The fire at the end of time consumes everything, leaving nothing. Bodhicitta consumes or purifies extreme negativities leaving nothing behind.
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Can you describe the example of bodhicitta explained in other texts?

Maitreya the great regent of the Buddha, explained 230 more examples to the wealthy merchant, bodhisattva Sudhana. They are found in the Gandavyuha chapter of the Avatamsaka text. Sudhana generated the mind of enlightenment in the presence of Manjushri, and therefore was sent to the monk Meghashri and then 110 masters, finally ending with Maitreya. Therefore bodhicitta causes 1. The attainment of buddhahood 2. It increases virtue 3. It purifies evil.

How does Maitreya explain bodhicitta is engendered in the Sutralankara?

Through the power of meeting a spiritual friend, the power of a cause, the power of the root, the power of listening to the teachings, the power of virtuous practice. This brings about stable and unstable bodhicitta.

Can you explain the power of meeting a spiritual friend? (Maitreya - Sutralankara).

Three young men met the Buddha and his two disciples. One of the boys made the aspiration to become like the Buddha, the other two aspired to become like his disciples. Thereafter, they respectively became Buddha Shakyamumni, Shariputra and Maudgalyayana.

Can you explain the power of the cause? (Maitreya- Sutralankara).

Refers to the awakening within oneself of the Mahayana lineage.

Can you explain the power of the root? (Maitreya - Sutralankara).

Refers to the birth of compassion.

When the attitude of bodhicitta is generated, what is it (3 perspectives)?

1. A mental factor = Asanga & Vasubandhu (brother).
2. Main mind = Vimuktasena & Haribhadra.
3. Both a mental factor & main mind = Longchenpa. They are simultaneously generated. 
1 & 2 considered this uppermost, so not wrong or at variance.

What are the 2 characteristics or aims of bodhicitta?

Through compassion it focuses on the welfare of others. Through wisdom it focuses on perfect enlightenment.
Sutralankara: "The cultivation of bodhicitta is the wish to attain perfect buddhahood for the sake of others."

How is subtle bodhicitta engendered according to Maitreya?

Through the strength of meditation. (Maitreya - Sutralankara).
"When the perfect Buddhas have been pleased,
When the gatherings of wisdom and of merit have been made,
Then nonconceptual wisdom with regard to all phenomena
Is born, and it is known as ultimate."

What are the other ways that bodhicitta can be classified? (3 ways).

Analyzed according to the six paramitas.
According to the Prajnaparamitra Sutras, the grounds of realization, there are 22 kinds of bodhicitta.
According to the Sagaramatiparipriccha Sutra, bodhicitta is classified into 80 unceasing factors.

What are the essential 2 kinds of bodhicitta? What is the difference between them?

Bodhicitta in intention (aspiration for supreme enlightenment).
  • The wish to go somewhere.
Bodhicitta in action ( practical engagement in the Bodhisattva activities).
  • Actually travelling to one's destination.

How does the master Jnanapada identify the two bodhicittas?

The bodhicitta of intention is connected to ordinary beings.
The bodhicitta of action is connected to beings on the noble grounds of realization.

How do Abhayakara & Jnanakirti identify the two bodhicittas?

Bodhicitta in intention is associated with the path of accumulation.
Bodhicitta in action is associated with the path of joining onward.

How do Shantipa, Ratnakara & Sagaramegha identify the two bodhicittas?

Bodhicitta in intention is the wish to attain enlightenment, yet has not been explicitly formulated in the ritual of vow-taking.
Bodhicitta in action is when the wish to attain enlightenment is ritually expressed.

How does Prajnakaramati identify the two bodhicittas?

Bodhicitta in intention is a state of mind that does not eventuate in Bodhisattva activities.
Bodhicitta in action is a state of mind that does eventuate in Bodhisattva activities.

How does Atisha identify the two bodhicittas?

Bodhicitta in intention focuses on the result namely Buddhahood.
Bodhicitta in action focuses on the cause, namely the path. Defined as commitments related to the cause and result.
Longchenpa agrees with Atisha here.

How do other authorities identify the two bodhicittas?

Bodhicitta in intention is what beings have until they reach the level from which there is no returning to samsara. Ordinary beings.
Bodhicitta in action is what arises when they achieve this level. Noble beings.

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