Seeing Entrepreneurially - Industry Status

13 important questions on Seeing Entrepreneurially - Industry Status

What is meant by the term industry status?

the state of an industry in terms of  lifecycle and structure with an emphasis on growth opportunities and industry evolution. 

By studying ________  ______, aspiring entrepreneurs can assess the industry's timeliness for new entrepreneurial entrants.

industry status

Industry lifecycle examines what?

the stages of development of an industry
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What are the 3 broad categories of the industry lifecycle continuum?

1. young and emerging
2. middle-aged (level and predictable)
3. old and declining

Depending on the maturity of the industry, the costs to _____ and _______ effectively differ dramatically.

enter, compete

Which lifecycle industries are typically the easiest and most cost effective for entrepreneurs to compete within?

Early lifecycle industries

Which lifecycle industries are mostly dominated by large, established companies?

middle and late-stage industries

________  _________refers to the nature of barriers to entry and competitive dynamics within the industry, with an emphasis on capital intensity, advertising intensity, company concentration, and average company size.

Industry structure

_______  _________ is the amount of money required to enter and compete in the industry.

Capital intensity
(the more money it takes to enter an industry--the higher the intensity)

___________  _________ addresses the importance of advertising and branding to the success of competitors in a specific industry.

Advertising intensity
(if customers prefer to buy from trusted or preferred brands or companies, advertising intensity is high.)

Which is the preferred scenario for new ventures: High advertising intensity, or low advertising intensity?

Low advertising intensity-- customers will be more willing to try new brands or products in these types of industry

_______  _______  ____ refers to the level of resources (money, employees, etc.) of competitors.

Average company size

Industries with a _____ number of _____-_____ competitors present the preferred scenario for new ventures.

small, small-sized

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