The Entrepreneurial Mindset - Entrepreneurial Motivation

9 important questions on The Entrepreneurial Mindset - Entrepreneurial Motivation

Entrepreneurial motivation encompasses the factors by which ____-_______  ________ is initiated, energized, and maintained.

goal-directed behavior

What 3 factors are emphasized during entrepreneurial strategic decision-making?

self-efficacy, cognitive motivation, and tolerance for ambiguity

How does self-efficacy differ from locus of control and confidence?

it is task-dependent
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Self-efficacy is a key predictor of __________  ___________ in entrepreneurial endeavors.

individual performance

Seeking, acquiring, thinking, and reflecting on relevant information indicates a high or low need for cognition? 


Relying on experience, assumptions, and luck indicates an individual has a high or low need for cognition?


What does PNS stand for and what does it do?

The Personal Need for Structure Scale
This estimates the extent to which you desire to structure your world in a simple and decipherable way.

Tolerance for ambiguity is defined as what?

The tendency to perceive ambiguous situations as desirable rather than threatening.

Tolerance for ambiguity is a necessary factor for entrepreneurs based on the dynamic nature of _______  and ___________.

markets, competition

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