The Entrepreneurial Mindset - Entrepreneurial Behavior

10 important questions on The Entrepreneurial Mindset - Entrepreneurial Behavior

Entrepreneurial mindset and motivation can only translate into action if entrepreneurial _________ exist


Which 4 behaviors are most critical to entrepreneurial opportunity analysis and action?

confidence, interpersonal skills, social capital, and risk tolerance

Confidence and ____-________ are two sides of the same coin.

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____  _________ involves:--outcomes that may fall within a wide range--incomplete information about the consequences of a decision and probabilities of these consequences

Risk Tolerance

Risk is conceptualized based on what?

the individual entrepreneur's assessment of risk and uncertainty in a decision.

Interpersonal relationship skills facilitate _______ new individuals and ________ positive relationships.

meeting, building

Interpersonal relationships contribute to the ________ and _______ of your social networks. 

quantity, quality

The concept of Guanxi is based on traditional Confucian values of helping others without expecting ____________ or future _________.

compensation, repayment

What does social capital refer to?

the resources available in and through personal and business networks.

People with ______  _______ are:--better informed--more creative--more efficient--better problem solvers--save time by knowing where to get the info they need--have an easier time fostering cooperation and collaboration

social capital

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