The what, who, how and why of global society - what do we study - whom do we study

5 important questions on The what, who, how and why of global society - what do we study - whom do we study

Dark side of transnationalism

1. problematic nature of global civil society, lack of autonomy from the world views and funding sources of dominant states in the north and its problems of accountability and representation

Difference transnational actors from states and ios

they are organized in network forms. states and ios are organized aroundhierarchies and have bureaucratic properties networks are characterized by coluntary reciporcal and horizontal patterns of communication and exchanve

Positive and negative attributes of networks

p: they have flexibility, speed , informality, a greater chance for increasing multiple views and perhaps even enhanced implementation capacities. they lack: a legitimate organizational authority to arbitrate and resolve disputes. they cannot provide the legitimate authority necessary for full fledged global governance.
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Rise of global society & nonstate actors and individuals

human righ regimes, individua criminal accountability in the global system,

Two prominent areas in the study of global governance

1. compliance: instances of compliance or noncompliance are defined by the scholar as deviationsfrom some measure developed by the analyst of what constitute behavior consistent with expectations codified in the agreement. go beyond behavior. 2. study of legitimacy.

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