The Norman Invasion and the Gaelic Recovery - The Crown and Ireland

8 important questions on The Norman Invasion and the Gaelic Recovery - The Crown and Ireland

How did Henry II insure that his authority would be upheld in Ireland once he left?

He granted Dublin by charter to his supporters in Bristol, despite Strongbow's claim to Lordship over Meath, he granted it to Hugh De Lacy and also made Hugh constable of Dublin and justiciar or representative of the royal government in Ireland as a whole, he also garrisoned other seaport including Cork and Limerick

When was the treaty of Windsor drawn up, who was it between and what were the main terms?

1175. Between Rory O'Connor and Henry II. Rory was recognised as the high-king of all Ireland outside Leinster, Meath and environs of Waterford. Rory was to collect from the other kings the tribute that Henry II demanded of every tenth merchantable hide of animals slaughter in Ireland and return Irish people to the conquered lands so they could either pay tribute or perform labour service.

By when did De Lacy and Strong bow finally put down Irish resistance inside their territories?

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What was the outcome of the treaty of Windsor?

Neither side could control their subjects. There was rebellions against both Rory and the English. And the treaty dwindled into a guarantee of immunity for Connacht as long as it paid it's tribute.

When did John De Courcy arrive on the scene in Ireland and what actions did he take and with who's authority.

In 1177. He launched a free lance expedition to Ulaid and having conquered it in breath taking speed ruled for a while became an independent "Prince of Ulster."

What was the outcome of the council in Oxford in 1177

  • De Lacy's charter for Meath was renewed under stricter terms
  • Henry II transferred all of his rights as Lord of Ireland to his son, Prince John.
  • The two Kingdoms in Munster considered to be in rebellion Cork and Limerick were speculatively granted away.

Who was the self proclaimed Lord of Ulster and when did he become tenant-in-chief of Prince John?

John de Courcy

Which pope was unsuccessfully petitioned to crown prince John as King of Ireland? And when did this happen?

Pope Lucius III in 1183, following the retirement of Rory O'Connor to the Abbey at Cong in 1183

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