Quality of governance

4 important questions on Quality of governance

What affects quality of governance on the input-side?

- proportional
- less polarized
- moderate
- greater degree of congruence

Do citizens care more about democracy or effective governance?

Depends, some might not be willing to trade democratic values for effectiveness, while others care more about good governance. But often it goes hand in hand

How do Jennings et al. Define governance blunders?

It seems to be every policy failure, but they do separate it in levels of failure. But not that clear, because is a minor side effect really a policy blunder
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Can hyper excitement be the same as policy responsiveness?

Not very likely. Hyper excitement mainly goes with mega projects like the Olympics, and many autocratic regimes take on these kinds of events because they do not have to listen to their citizens if they complain that it costs too much

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