Scrum Events - Sprint Retrospective

7 important questions on Scrum Events - Sprint Retrospective

What is the sprint retrospective?

An opportunity for the scrum team to inspect itself and create a plan for improvement to be enacted during the next Sprint.

What is the purpose of the Sprint Retrospective?

To plan ways to increase quality and effectiveness.

When does the sprint retrospective occur?

After the sprint review and prior to the next sprint planning
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What does the Scrum Team inspect during the Retro?

How the last Sprint went with regards to:
  • individuals
  • interactions
  • processes
  • tools, and
  • their Definition of Done

What items are identified during Retro

  • The Scrum Team identifies the most helpful changes to improve its effectiveness.
  • The most impactful improvements are addressed as soon as possible.
  • They may even be added to the Sprint Backlog for the next Sprint. 

The scrum master encourages the development team to do 'what' during the sprint retrospective?

  • To improve its development process and practice to make it more effective and enjoyable for the next sprint
  • To plan ways to increase product quality by adapting the definition of 'Done' as appropriate.

What are the outcomes of the sprint retrospective?

  • Identified improvements that the scrum team will implement in the next sprint

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