History and Context - Art of the Middle Ages - Art of Late Antiquity

5 important questions on History and Context - Art of the Middle Ages - Art of Late Antiquity

How was God often depicted in Late Antiquity?

Only his hands, but no face.

What was the point of the didactic art of the Middle Ages?

Seeing as "didactic" means "educational", these were meant to these their audience a religious lesson.

How was story progress often shown during the Middle Ages?

In a continuous narrative, an artwork where a story is told by showing a certain character multiple times in multiple phases of the tale.
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Until when were Christian religious figures often based on pagan heroes?

Until the fifth century.

How did Medieval art change from the art from Antiquity?

In the fifth century, it became flatter and more symbolic, with golden halos and strongly outlined characters. This was the beginning of Byzantine art?

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