History and Context - Art of the Middle Ages - Byzantine Art

3 important questions on History and Context - Art of the Middle Ages - Byzantine Art

Who was Emperor Justinian I?

A Byzantine Emperor who lived between 483-565 and was a patron of the arts.

What are some of Emperor Justinian I's greatest commissions?

1. The Hagia Sophia in Constantinople.
2. The Monastery of St. Catherine, Mount Sinai, Egypt.
3. The San Vitale in Ravenna.

In what remarkable way was Empress Theodora, Justinian's wife, depicted in the San Vitale?

Her mosaic is set in the courtyard, since women were not allowed in the church and could not be as sacral as men, yet it was still hung in the church opposed to Justinian's mosaic (whose mosaic was in gold as opposed to Theodora's grassy background).

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