Media and Processes - Visual Communication Design - Graphic Design

6 important questions on Media and Processes - Visual Communication Design - Graphic Design

What is the definition of graphic design?

The art of improving visual communications design, or the organisation of information.

How did Gutenberg's printing press work?

Letterforms, or small metal letter shapes, were set next to each other in a row, inked and then printed. These had angled thick and thin strokes to resemble calligraphy, which most type fonts still use.

Who standardized the use of fonts?

Albrecht Dürer, who created a set of rules for the design of letter shapes and used geometric elements (squares, circles, lines) to do so. He used the Roman alphabet and the Roman-style font as found on ancient Roman buildings. These used serifs, small marks at the ends of strokes.
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What are (sans) serif fonts used for?

Serif fonts are used in books and newspapers as they are considered the easiest to read.
Sans serif fonts are used in electronic media, since the pixels of a screen may make the serifs unreadable as they are too small.

What is the definition of a logo?

A carefully designed piece of type (logotype) that is easily identifiable and functions as a communications tool for businesses and organisations.

What is the function of illustrations?

To inform the audience and to embellish a page. They effectively communicate information, but can be decorative as well.

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