Media and Processes - Photography - The Art of Photography

6 important questions on Media and Processes - Photography - The Art of Photography

How can photos be made to look artistic?

By manipulating colours and proportions/scales, for example, or just by a well thought-out scene.

What did Alfred Stieglitz consider the strengths of photograhy?

Its clarity and realism. He was struck by the compositions of shapes and rhythm possible in the medium.

What is a collage?

A composition created by gluing together fragments of seperate materials to form an image. These can include photo-based images, pre-printed materials and even text. They cannot really be reproduced.
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What is a photomontage?

Like a collage, a composition of small photographic images which is then scanned or rephotographed in order to be reproduced.

When was colour photography invented?

In the late nineteenth century.

What is the snapshot aesthetic?

When the subjects of a photograph do not pose and are not set up beforehand; these are spontaneous pictures.

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