Media and Processes - Printmaking

4 important questions on Media and Processes - Printmaking

What are the three kinds of printmaking?

1. Relief: a certain amount of a block of workable material is cut away, ink is applied to the surface and then pressed.
2. Intaglio: meaning "cut into" in Italian, intaglio is about cutting into a plate. This plate is inked and the ink seeps through the cuts onto the surface underneath, leaving ink lines.
3. Planography: a plate is treated with chemicals as to make sure the ink only adheres to certain areas.

What was printmaking first used for?

In Egypt and Mesopotamia, incised stones were pressed into wax to function as seals for sacks. This way, one could be sure that the sacks had not been tampered with.

Who invented woodblock relief printmaking?

Albrecht Dürer. It made him famous and wealthy as the technique was very expensive.
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What does engraving mean for intaglio printmaking?

Gouges are engraved into a metal plate to let the ink seep through. This produces very fine details.

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