Media and Processes - Photography - Recording the Image

4 important questions on Media and Processes - Photography - Recording the Image

What is the word "photography" derived from?

The Greek words "photos" (light) and "graphein" (to draw), combined meaning "to draw with light".

What was photography before the digital era?

An image recorded on light-sensitive material that darkened when exposed to light. This produced negatives, which could be reversed with chemicals or re-exposure to light, to turn them into positive prints called photographs.

What are the mechanics of a camera like?

Similar to the eye, where light enters through the pupil, light enters a camera through a small opening called the aperture. If the lens shape is changed, objects that are farther away or closer by can be brought into focus.
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Why was photography originally not considered an artform?

Because of its reliance on mechanics and chemicals, since it was simply a machine recording the real world and not about an artist's creative imigination.

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