Fundamentals - Implied Depth: Value and Space - Perspective

8 important questions on Fundamentals - Implied Depth: Value and Space - Perspective

What is isometric perspective?

Using diagonal parallels to convey a sense of depth. This is easy and structured, but not realistic. This technique makes sure that objects do not appear distorted. Isometric means 'equal measure'.

What is linear perspective?

Using lines to create the illusion of depth. These lines can be actual lines or implied lines, which all point to a certain point. This is based on the true observation of the world.

What is a vanishing point and what are orthogonals?

Where the lines of the linear perspective all come together, or the focus point of the art work. The lines are called the orthogonals, which are convergent sightlines.
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What is the one-point perspective?

A linear perspective with a singular vanishing point. This perspective only works for scenes that are completely receding and only if the viewer is standing exactly in front of them, like standing on the middle of a straight, empty road.

Who was the first artist to use the one-point perspective?

Masaccio, in his The Holy Trinity.

What is the two-point perspective?

A linear perspective with two vanishing points, where the location of the viewer is not necessarily right in front of the scene. This allows for objects that are not parallel with the rest of the scene.

What is the multi-point perspective?

A linear perspective with multiple, often three, vanishing points. This is used when depicting an object from any location other than ground level, to give it depth/height, length and width. From above, this is called bird's eye view, and from below, worm's eye.

What is atmospheric perspective?

A perspective where those things that are close by look brighter, whereas colours that are supposed to be in the background look duller and less saturated.

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