History and Context - Art of Renaissance and Baroque Europe (1400-1750) - The Early Renaissance in Italy

6 important questions on History and Context - Art of Renaissance and Baroque Europe (1400-1750) - The Early Renaissance in Italy

How was the human body depicted in the Renaissance?

Realistic, yet idealized - especially in the case of figures from Antiquity. The naked body was showcased. Three-dimensionality was important.

Who invented the linear perspective?

Brunelleschi, in the early 1400s. He shared this with painters like Masaccio, who improved it even further.

What was a humanist in the Renaissance?

These were people who read the Ancient classics and texts from authors like Pliny, Ovid, etc. They read about behaviour and philosophy, what it meant to live in a perfect society, etc. They had to learn rherotic to convince others. They were government officials. None of this clashed with Christianity.
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How did one become an artist in the Renaissance?

Through education, and an apprenticeship. Children started working in workshops from about the age of twelve on, where they were taught the tricks of the trade. After ten years, one could be an independent master, but for most, this never happened. In the workshop, they would learn how to mix paint from precious stones and other materials. There was no theory, it was all practice, imitation, and trial and error.

What were the two problems with art until the early Renaissance?

1. It was mainly manufacture, just like shoe making. You did it until you were good at it.
2. There was no word for art.

What were the rules of Renaissance art based on?

Mathematics. This was partially because the artists wanted to prove that art involved thinking, meaning that it was a liberal art instead of a mechanical art. They needed math for perspective.

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