Important from the readings

8 important questions on Important from the readings

Why does Mill find the tyranny of the majority more dangerous than an autocrat?

It is totalitarian but masked as a democracy. A tyranny can lead to things as extremer penalties, fewer means to escape and it enslaves the soul. It looks like a majority is ruling fairly, but it is actually very dangerous for the minority

Why should we want to strive for democracy, according to Dahl?

It combats tyranny, it guarantees essential rights, it is about self-determination, autonomy and it protects personal interests. It also guarantees human development, peace and prosperity.

Why is it that we can never have a full ideal democracy, according to Dahl?

Current states are way too big to ensure full participation. We should thus strive for polyarchy. This has some overlapping elements with an ideal democracy. It has institutions that helps control the system and ensure citizens of certain rights
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Where does Urbinati differ from Dahl in the conceptionalization of democracy?

It is about the triad and more institutionalized
- the constitutions
- as having a representative sphere
- contestation over politics

the triad needs to reach an equilibrium

Why is populism so important in Urbinati's definition of democracy?

Party politics is what allows democracy. Populism is a parasite on democracy because it tears it down. Populism is impatience, but democracy is messy and complex and you cannot reduce it

How does Rosanvallon see democracy?

Not necessarily as a continuous process. It is a tension between the political and democratic. Democracy can also become less democratic. For instance through populism and its attack on the center

Why is populism a form of the unpolitical?

It has a sort of closure. It closes down the political process. It masks it as being positive for the democracy, but in the end it is worse or the same as before

What is contradictory about Mill and his conception of democracy?

He is a pluralist, but he is afraid of the masses. He does not think that everybody is fit to govern. He is therefore an elitist. But he does see democracy as a human process

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