Political sociology and social movements - political sociology: beyond social protests and strikes

3 important questions on Political sociology and social movements - political sociology: beyond social protests and strikes

What is the difference between a protest and a strike?

- a strike has more leverage than a protest. It is about costing a company money. Protests do not have that much impact, maybe for a while on the public opinion

What are the 3 main theories that try to explain why protests happen?

- grievance theory -> people protest if things are going badly
- relative deprivation theory -> people protest if things are relatively bad
- resource-mobilization theory -> people protest if they have the means to do so and are mobilized to do so

What are the 3 main theories that try to explain why people go to strike?

- economic bargaining theory -> rational -> presence of asymmetrical information -> finding out whether or not you can get more money from the company

- behavioral economic theory -> not rational -> just because it is not fair how things are going right now

- sociological theory -> rational in the long run -> the long-term balance is important -> labor unions need to have a strike once in a while to show that they still are present and have a membership behind them

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