Representation - Theiss-Morse & Hibbing and stealth democracy

4 important questions on Representation - Theiss-Morse & Hibbing and stealth democracy

What do Theiss-Morse and Hibbing find about the willingness of political participation among citizens in the United States?

There is an overestimation of the willingness. Citizens mostly want other groups to do so. A solution could be a change in political education and the knowledge that it is not a bad thing to disagree

What is the central argument of the book?

There is a problem with satisfaction and democracy and to solve it we do not have to improve political involvement but look at the political process

What do they argue that the people want?

The people want independent experts who are not influenced by special interest groups. They want more people, but they also do not trust more people
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How do they measure stealth democracy?

- rule of business
- rule of independent experts
- anti-compromise
- stop talking and act

=> the extent to which stealth democrats want business and other experts to rule

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