Gases - Ideal gas mixtures

5 important questions on Gases - Ideal gas mixtures

What is the difference in partial pressure between an ideal gas and a non-ideal gas?

In an ideal gas mixture the partial pressure of component i is the same for a certain density as when i is in a pure state.
In a non-ideal mixture these are not the same.

Does the chemical potential of i of an ideal gas mixture decrease or increase after mixing?

Since ln yi is always negative the chemical potential of component i decreases after mixing.

What is the Gibbs free energy of an ideal gas before mixing?

In an ideal gas Gibbs is only dependent on the chemical potential and the number of atoms.
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What is the Gibbs free energy of an ideal gas after mixing?

The mole fraction of component i plays a role.

How is the entropy change for ideal gas mixing derived?

The change in entropy is the negative temperature derivative of the change in Gibbs free energy

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