Solutions: fundamentals

6 important questions on Solutions: fundamentals

What is Raoult's Law?

With the vapor pressure of component i.

How is the change in boiling temperature Tb derived for a binary mixture in the near pure limit?

What is meant with colligative property?

A colligative property is a solute-unspecific behaviour. Addition of solute increases the entropy thereby stabilizing the solution and increasing the boiling temperature, but it does ot matter what the properties of the solute are, or what the solute is.
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How can an expression for the change in melting temperature Tm with regard to the changing concentration of solute be derived?

Why does the addition of solute increase the boiling temperature and decrease the melting temperature?

Addition of solute increases entropy and, due to the mixing entropy, decreases the Gibbs free energy of the solution. This broadens the range in temperature in both directions.

What is the relation between the partial molar quantity and the total quantity X?

Since X is an extensive quantity it obeys:

Euler's theorem can be applied:

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