Comparison with WOB

6 important questions on Comparison with WOB

What do both WOB and 'Tis Pity question in terms of love?

The authenticity of love, whether it truly exists or whether it is just a force driven by sexual desire.

Giovanni arguably forces Annabella into incest, how does this link to the WOB?

The idea of the possessive male = the knight raping the maiden 

How is sex different in WOB and 'Tis Pity?

After G & A consummate their love, G has threatened "eternal slaughter to the soul" whereas in the WOB she implies sex is what keeps the King, Soloman young (he had 700 wives) - "it were leveful unto me/ To be refreshed half so ofte as he!" = her shameless character is emphasised through this comparison. 

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How does Putana's outrageous justification for incest, "let her take anybody, father or brother, all is one" link to the WOB? (include quote)

"if ther were no seed ysowe, / Virginitee, thanne were of sholde it grow?" = if God wanted everyone to be a virgin, there would be no new generation = using religion to justify her lack of morals - though this justification does not fit with her own childlessness (she marries for sex and money)

What three characters can be compared in a paragraph about free will and independance?

WOB and Annabella contrast with Philotus

What can be said about the restoration in marriage in both texts?

The romantic ending in WOB seems unusual after the battle for dominance in the marriage; however, this suggests that everything is restored through marriage UNLIKE 'TIS PITY

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