The NL and the EU

11 important questions on The NL and the EU

What are second-order elections?

Elections with low turnouts; in the NL all except for the TK

What does passionate minority voting mean?

In these second-order elections you only get very motivate minority to vote and because moderate people often don't go voting you lose a lot of moderation in politics.

What made the EP-elections of 2019 more salient than previously?

Brexit and the impact on this. Frans Timmermans presented itself as the possible boss of Europe, PVV and SP lost their seats
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What are the three models on the study of the EU?

  1. International relations model => are you pro or contra EU-integration?
  2. Regulation model => what should Europe do at the market level?
  3. Hix-Lord model => combination of these two with four dimensions: pro and anti, left and right.

What is the difference between the deepening and widening effect of Europe?

Widening is more parties joining the EU, deepening is whether the EU can have a say in more issues

What are the two competing researchers' views on whether the crisis of 2008 has left its marks on how people think about the EU?

  • Kriesi => There is one dimension; the left is more protectionist, the right is more free-trade. Some people feel the impact of globalization and are the winners, some are the losers and need to be protected against globalization.
  • Katsanidou => There is another dimension that can be on top of this about what should Europe do and not do on the globalization of economies. More or less Europe?

What is the conclusion of André's research during the EP-elections?

All the EU-countries differ from each other in terms of party-platforms and standpoints.

What is the old and the new cultural dimension?

The old cultural dimension is secular vs. religious. The new dimension is protectionism vs reform/integration vs demarcation.

What is the overall tendency in pro/anti-EU inside of Europe?

In the west the left is more pro-European and the right is more anti-European and in the east vice versa!

What are the six types of Europeans that André distinguished?

Hold-on-a-second European, Free market European, Social Europe reformist, Enthusiastic European, Well-meaning European and Proud-nationalist

What is the relation between pro-Europeans and the Rule of Law?

The pro-Europeans are also seeing the EU as a representative of the Rule of Law for example, it is a very good power mechanism to almost force with economic sanctions our morals upon them.

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