ADM Introduction

5 important questions on ADM Introduction

What does the Enterprise continuum provide for and which form has the/its implementation??

The Enterprise Continuum provides a framework and context to support the leverage of relevant architect!® assets in executing the ADM.

These assets may include Architecture Descriptions, models, and patterns taken from a variety of sources.

The practical implementation of the Enterprise Continuum will typically take the form of an Repository that includes reference architectures, models, and patterns that have been accepted for use within the enterprise, and actual architectural work previously within the enterprise.

What are the keypoints of the ADM?

  • ADM is iterative, over the whole process, between phases, and within phases and for each iteration of the ADM, a fresh decision must be taken
  • These decisions should be based on a practical assessment of resource and competence availability and the value that can realistically be expected to accrue to the enterprise from the chosen scope of the architecture work
  • As a generic method, the ADM is intended to be used by enterprises in a wide variety of different geographies and applied in different vertical sectors/industry types 

Which are the major areas managed by a governance repository ?

  • Reference Data for guidance and instruction during project implementation  and includes a description of the governance procedures themselves.
  • Process Status: all information regarding the state of any governance processes will be managed and include outstanding compliance requests, dispensation requests, and compliance assessments investigations.
  • Audit Information: this will record all completed governance process actions and will be to support:
    • Key decisions and responsible personnel for any architecture project
    • A reference for future architectural and supporting process developments,
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To what are the reasons of scoping the architecture activity related?

  • The organizational authority of the team producing the architecture
  • The objectives and stakeholder concerns to be addressed within the architecture
  • The availability of people, finance, and other resources

Which four dimensions are typically used to define and limit the scope of architecture?

  • Breadth: What is the full extent of the enterprise, and what part of that extent will this effort deal with?
  • Depth: to what level of detail should the architecting effort go?
  • Time Period: what is the time period that needs to be articulated for the Architecture Vision?
  • Architecture Domains: a complete Enterprise Architecture description should contain all four architecture domains

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