Architecture Patterns - Introduction

3 important questions on Architecture Patterns - Introduction

What is the maturity of patterns for system architecting?

They are very much in their infancy.

How are patterns defined within the TOGAF standard?

In the TOGAF standard, patterns are considered to be a way of putting building blocks into context;

for example, to describe a re-usable solution to a problem. Building blocks are what you patterns can tell you how you use them, when/why, and what trade-otfe you have to make in doing so.

How are patterns helpful to the Architect?

Patterns offer the promise of helping the architect to identify combinations of Architecture and/or Solution Building Blocks (ABBs/SBBs) that have been proven to deliver effective solutions in the past, and may provide the basis for effective solutions in the future.

Pattern techniques are generally acknowledged to have been established as a valuable architectural design technique

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