Summary: Topic 6: Developing Capabilities For Innovation
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Read the summary and the most important questions on Topic 6: Developing Capabilities for Innovation
2 Critical components of strategy implementation
What are the critical components of strategy implementation?
- Innovative, dedicated, motivated people
- Creative empowering leadership
- Organizational structures that match competitive strategies, efficiently
- Organizational controls and incentives that efficiently focus people on strategic goals and objectives
- Organizational arrangements that efficiently "govern" the critical activities
3 Organizational Structure
What is the objective of organizational structure? To balance:
- The economic advantages of specialization, with
- The problems and costs of coordination and motivation, i.e. bureaucratic costs
Where do bureaucratic costs arise from?
- Supervisory monitoring
- Motivation problems
- Coordination activities
- Opportunism and information disortions
4 Generic Organizational Structural Forms
Which 3 generic organizational structures are there?
- U-Form
- M-Form
- H-Form (holding or conglomerate structures)
Which hybrid organizational structures are there?
- Matrix Structures
- Team-based structures
5 U-Forms
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What are the advantages of the U-form?
- Increased specialization
- Economies of scale in monitoring
- Critical decision-making is centralized in one "peak" person
What are the disadvantages of the U-form?
- Cannot handle the complexity of multiple activities well
- Subgoal pursuit problems can become acute
- Absence of objective measures of performance
- Operational concerns can divert attention from strategic/competitive/entrepreneurial issues
6 M-Forms
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What is a M-form
Designed to manage diversification while controlling bureaucratic costs and control-loss problems -
What does M-form decentralize?
Operating decision-making
To the business unit/division level where all necessary competitive and operational decisions are made -
Where is the strategic decision-making responsibility?
Still retained at the headquarters.
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