Our study - Causality and Correlation

7 important questions on Our study - Causality and Correlation

PMT theoretical explanation = Threat appraisal -> Adaptation
"I see the risks. Therefore, I adapt."

This is causality. But what is also possible?

Adaptation -> Threat appraisal I read about adaptation. Therefore, I learned about environmental risks

PMT theoretical explanation = Coping appraisal -> Adaptation
"I can protect against CC. Therefore, I adapt"

This is causality. But what is also possible?

Adaptation -> Coping appraisal
"I am adapting. Therefore, I know I can do it"

What kind of study is described here?

Manipulating a variable and testing whether another one changes.

An experimental study
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What kind of study is described here?

Measuring everything and testing the covariation.

Correlational study

They have done a correlational study that implies a correlation between selfafficacy and intentional change.

Why is it important to know if there is causation?

To make better predictions and to be able to go to policy makers with the founding that interventions on threat and coping will help to improve intentions

Name two of the three hypothesis this study will have.

  1. High threat appraisal -> Higher intentions
  2. High coping appraisal -> Higher intentions

Please order the following extreme weather events depending on how much you think they are a threat to you. 

This question is to manipulate the experiment. How does is do that?

By getting them to think about the fear before they start the survey. This way they will find if there is causality or not.

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