Nature, nurture + Human behaviour Estimating genetic and environmental influences

24 important questions on Nature, nurture + Human behaviour Estimating genetic and environmental influences

Describe adoption studies

It's a experiment of nurture. We look a biological and non-biological family members

What are quasi-experimental situations?

Without randomization

Describe twin studies

It's a experiment of nature. We look at siblings who are raised together and separate.
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Describe adoptees' study method

You start with a characteristic of the genetic parent and check it on the adopted-away child. For example with schizophrenia.

What are various interpretations about heritability?

  • It is about difference and not an individual
  • It can differ between population and age
  • It is high in the same environment
  • It can change with time
  • It does not have to be an explanation of differences between groups
  • It describes 'what is' not 'what could be'

Describe family method

You start with a characteristic of the child and check it on the biological (genes) and adoptive (environmental) families.

Issues in adoption studies:

  1. Reduction in number of adoption due to birth control, abortion and unmarried keep children
  2. Not representative
  3. Not sure about prenatal environment
  4. Selective placement (same as 2)
  5. Open adoption

Definition equal environments assumption

Assumes that environmentally caused similarity is roughly the same for both types of twins reared in the same family.

Why are there more dizygotic twins?

  1. Material age (biggest effect)
  2. Genetics
  3. Reproduction techniques

Describe dichorionic diamniotic

  • Separate placentas, two chorions, two amnions
  • Fused placenta, two chorions, two amnions

Describe children-of-twins desgin

The effects of parents (one is a twin) on children and of twin children on parents are examined

Definition structural equation modeling (SEM)

A statistical method for testing a conceptual or theoretical model. This method is used to estimate heritability and environmentality based on the similarity and differences among family members.

Where discordant twins can be used for?

To find true effects of E. It corrects for confounding by A and C

What is the disadvantage of twin research?

Twins are born with a low birth weight.

What is a positive affect (the good) on human affairs according to Watson?

The "blank slate" was critical to the development of the 18th and 19th centuries in creating liberties and fighting for equality.

What is the advantage of adoption studies?

It is very powerful to separate the influence of genes en environment

What is a negative affect (the bad) on human affairs according to Watson?

Freud's psychoanalysis: "blank slate" helped creating generations of psychologists obsessed with kids' sexual desires and their family dynamics during upbringing

What is noble savage?

The idea that an uncivilized man symbolizes the innate goodness of someone who is not exposed to negative/corrupting influences of civilization

What is a positive effect (the good) according to Lorenz?

Better treatment for many diseases and disorders due to understanding of genetic relevance

What is a negative effect (the bad) according to Lorenz?

Can lead to social darwinian, racism etc.

Who is an extreme of nurture?

John Watson > blank slate

Who is an extreme of nature?


What are issues in twin studies?2

1. Generalizability: are twins representative of the general population? > yes
2. Common (or shared) environment can be experienced differently between the twins. (resemblance of parenting between siblings is high according to parents, but low according to children)

What is SNP heritability?

Heritability estimated directly from DNA differences between individuals

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