And : The Interplay of Genes and Environment

16 important questions on And : The Interplay of Genes and Environment

What we don't know about environmental influences?

  • Where it is expressed in the brain
  • How they change during development
  • How they cause difference in behavior

What are the three important discoveries about environment?

  1. Non shared environmental influences are very important for the individual differences
  2. Gentype-environment correlation (rGE): Environmental effects show genetic influences
  3. Genotype-environment interaction (GxE). Effect of the environment can depend on genetics and vice versa

What provides the best available evidence for the importance of environmental factors?

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What is vantage sensitivity?

Some individuals gain more than others from a good environment because of being more sensitive

Who are more sensitive for copying parental style?


What is gene-environment interplay?

Collective of g-e correlation and g-e interaction

What is passive rGE?

Children receive genotypes correlated with their family environment. Parents pass on their genes and create a environment.

What is evocative rGE?

With your genotype, you evoke a certain reaction from your environment

Describe double disdavantage model

A parent as a negative symptom and this is inherited by the child. But also the environment is negative. So the chance to become for example depressed is high. This is passive rGE

What is evidence for passive rGE?

  • The correlation between parental environment is stronger for biological children then for adoption children
  • Children of twin design

What is active rGE?

Based on you genotype, you pick/seek for a certain environment

Definition differential susceptibility framework

Some individuals are more sensitive to both negative as well as positive influences and others are less sensitive. (plasticity genes)

Definition candidate gene-by-environment interaction

GxE differs in different environment

Definition genomewide gene-by-environment interaction:

Method for searching for GxE that assesses DNA variation throughout the genome.

What is genotype-environment interaction?

Genetic sensitivity, or susceptibility, to environments > some people burn in the sun faster than others

Which gene would influence stress?

5-HTT gene > lot of critics

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