And Pathways between genes and behaviour

27 important questions on And Pathways between genes and behaviour

What is the function of enhancers?

A short stretch of DNA sequence, further away from the gene, where transcription factors bind.

What are functional genomics?

The study of how genes work by tracing pathways among genes, brain, and behavior. It usually implies te bottum-up approach: beginning with molecules in a cell.

What are CpG sites?

Sites where cytosines are next to guanine. Here CH3 group can attach.
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What are behavioral genomics?

The study of how genes function on a behavioral level. This is a top-down approach.

How DNA methylation differs?

  • Environmental factors
  • Stochastic factors (random)
  • Genetics

Definition gene expression profiling

Using microarrays to asses the expression of all genes in the genome

Definition expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs)

Loci that explain variation in expression levels of mRNA

Definition methylation & expression QTSLs:

SNPs that influence methylation level/gene expression level

What are epigenetic marks?

Factors that affect long-term development changes in gene expression.

What is a PREP gene?

This gene encode prolyl endopeptidase: an enzym involved in the degradation of peptide hormones and neuropeptides. Potential interesting novel candidate for aggression.

How can the proteome be identified?

Using electrophoresis

Three major functions of epigenetic mechanism

  1. Fold the entire human genome
  2. Regulate gene expression
  3. Transcribe DNA --> RNA

Function transcription factors

They bind to the promotor to start the transcription

What is imprinting disorder?

Disorders that occurs when both copies of mother and father are expressed or inactivated. While with this gene only a single copy should be expressed.

Steps of epigenome-wide association studies

  1. Collect DNA samples in large groups or individuals
  2. Measure the trait in each person
  3. Measure DNA methylation

Can methylation in blood serve as a biomarker?


When are epigenetics marks removed?

During the formation of the reproductive cells and in the zygote

What is the function of microRNA?

Non-coding RNA that can silence gene expression by binding with the mRNA.

What is the goal of using RNA microarrays?

To detect the quantity of each of the RNA transcripts

What is post translational modification?

Chemical change to polypeptides after they have been translated from mRNA

What is the epigenetic landscape?

Idea that a cell has the potential to become different cell types. The type it becomes depends on the environment

For what are epigenetics a possible explanation?3

1. Age dependent disease onset
2. The mode of action of environmental and genetic influences
3. Discordance of identical (monozygotic) twins for disease

What happens if a rat mother licks her pups a lot?

Their pups have less anxiety

Why do pups of licking mothers have less anxiety?

- Early maternal care of rat pups changes DNA methylation and expression of the glucocorticoid receptor gene in the hippocampus
- The glucocorticoid receptor vines to cortisol
- low nurtured rats; lower expression of glucocorticoid receptor > slower 'removal' of cortisol > stronger stress response > more anxiety and aggressive behavior
- changes in the glucocorticoid receptor gene were very stable, meaning that these differences are still found in adult rats

What is a candidate gene study?

Looked at two types of prisoners; ones with antisocial personality disorder and the ones without. They looked at the promoter level of the monoamine oxidase A gene (enzyme that inhibits monoamines). They found that there was a difference in methylation with prisoners who had the antisocial personality disorder compared tot the ones without this disorder

What are the steps to identify novel epigenetic mechanisms?4

1. Collect DNA samples in large groups of individuals
2. Measure the trait in each person (eg level of aggression)
3. Instead of focusing on candidate genes, measure DNA methylation at thousands of sites in the genome in each person (or another epigenetic mark such as histone modification)
4. Most large-scale human epigenetic studies focus on DNA methylation (relatively easy/cheap to measure, very stable epigenetic mark)

What is a discordant monozygotic twin design?

Compare epigenetic marks between pehnotypically-discordant monozygotic twins. Analyzes data of monozygotic twins where one of the two has a certain trait/disease and the other doesn't. They then compare methylation to explain this difference. > find epigenetic mechanisms

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