Historical perspective & Mendel

15 important questions on Historical perspective & Mendel

What is the liability-threshold model?

A model that assumes that dichotomous disorders are due to underlying genetic liabilities that are normally distributed. The disorder appears only when a threshold of liability is exceeded.

What causes color blindness?

Color blindness is caused by a recessive allele on the X chromosome. Males only have one X chromosome, so if they have one allele for color blindness on their single X chromosome, they are color blind. For females the allele must be on both of their X chromosomes.

What is the definition of Mendelian disorders?

Disorders that follow the Mendelian inheritance patterns.
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What are qualitative traits?

Traits that are influenced by a single gene. These traits follow a simple pattern of inheritance and the phenotypes have distinct categories (present/absent). Traits expression is unaffected by the environment.

What is the Huntington's desease?

An inherited brain disorder causing very fast worsening of the physical, cognitive and emotional self. The risk of HD in the offspring is 50% due to one dominant allele.
No cure and effective treatment.

Develops relatively old

What is the definition of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

The frequencies of alleles and genotypes do not change across generation unless forces such as natural selection or migration change them.

Heritability in order form high to low

Height, schizophrenia, anxiety disorder, depression

What is the definition of Punnett Square?

It is used to predict the genotypes of a particular cross or breeding experiment.

Definition morbidity risk estimate/lifetime expectancy.

The chance of being affected during an entire lifetime

What is concordance/discordance?

The presence/absence of a particular condition in two family members.

How would you explain Mendel's 2nd law: The law of independent assortment?

The inheritance patterns of one gene will not affect the inheritance pattern of another gene.

What said Antonie van Leeuwenhoek and Nicolaas Hartsoeker?

A complete mini human was present in every sperm cell (homunculus). They couldn't explain why some children look like their mothers. (Theory of preformationism)

What is Darwin's theory of Pangenesis?

Contributions to egg or sperm from every part of the body.

What research did Mendel do?

He mixed wrinkled peas with smooth peas and found that the new generation plants were all smooth (F1). He repeated this with F1 and found that 75% was smooth and 25% was wrinkled. This pattern shows that plants contain 2 separate elements (alleles) that existed in different versions. > dominant/recessive > wrinkled peas recessive

What are behavioral traits?

Quantitative/polygenic traits that do not follow the mendelian inheritance pattern. > ADHD, anxiety/depression, autism, personality, wellbeing, happiness, intelligence > normal distribution

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