Research Methods - Content Analysis - Analyzing and Reporting Data in a Quantitative CA

16 important questions on Research Methods - Content Analysis - Analyzing and Reporting Data in a Quantitative CA

What distinguishes qualitative from quantitative CA?

Both use a systematic (defined steps) to sort data and a coding frame. But in qualitative studies:
-   Coding frame and coding process may adapt during analysis, thus is more flexible than the quantitative CA
-  The coding frame is considered part of the analysis, while in a quantitative CA coding is only seen as data collection. The analysis occurs later through rigorous statistical analysis
- Focuses on explicit and latent content (= not stated directly in data, but inferred from overall content and context of data)

By which 3 characteristics can you identify a qualitative CA?

1. The process reduces data into manageable segments
2. The process is systematic for placing data into the coding frame.
3. The process remains flexible to provide the best insights of your data.

What does the conventional approach to a qualitative CA mean?

A conventional approach describes a communication event. Works best when limited research has been done and existing theories do not fit. Conducting this analysis means allowing codes to emerge from the data -> inductive (= no preset codes, standards or expectations). Outside influences don't alter the process.
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What are the disadvantages of a conventional approach to a qualitative CA?

1. Missing key codes or categories > incomplete picture of data (internal validity issue)
2. Frequently confused with grounded theory approach to qualitative analysis.

What does a directive qualitative CA entail?

Directive qualitative CA draws on existing theory and research to guide the coding process (its primary advantage: you're not starting from blank). It extends and deepens (or challenges) previous research. Previous studies may focus your research question(s), assist in identifying important concepts, and provide direction for developing your coding frame.

What is the main limitation of a directive qualitative CA?

Researcher bias: existing work may influence your data collection and analysis. You might miss key themes in the data, because they were filtered out by the approach.

What does the third qualitative CA approach summative entail?

Summative qualitative CA= starts similar to a quantitative CA counting specific unit(s). It uses the count to demonstrate repetition and intensity of certain word(s) in the data. Then it goes 1 more step by including latent analysis (= interpreting underlying meaning). This is an advantage: richer understanding of when and how different terms are used .

What is the disadvantage of summative qualitative CA?

Overreliance on researcher credibility

What does the first way of developing codes in qualitative CA (open coding) entail?

1. Open coding= breaking data apart to identify concepts or categories in the data (themes). Written data is reviewed line by line and everything in the transcripts is coded to understand what is occuring. Constant comparison= A researcher typically compares emergent codes to support identifying additional emerging codes. Is a great way to identify similarities and differences in the data

What does the second way of developing codes in qualitative CA (theoretical coding) entail?

2. Theoretical coding= Data is coded using a theoretical lens. The selective sampling means you may overlook some data since your focus is from a specific theoretical perspective

What does the second way of developing codes in qualitative CA (theoretical coding) entail?

2. Theoretical coding= Data is coded using a theoretical lens. The selective sampling means you may overlook some data since your focus is from a specific theoretical perspective

What does the third way of developing codes in qualitative CA (open coding) entail?

3. Axial coding= an inductive and deductive process for relating codes and creating categories. You reread your data with open or theoretical codes in mind. You are working to confirm your data is correctly represented in the coding process or to make sure something vital was not overlooked.

What does the third way of developing codes in qualitative CA (open coding) entail?

3. Axial coding= an inductive and deductive process for relating codes and creating categories. You reread your data with open or theoretical codes in mind. You are working to confirm your data is correctly represented in the coding process or to make sure something vital was not overlooked.

What is a good way to start with the coding frame?

Start with a few preset codes based on your research question(s). Then use open coding to allow additional codes to emerge as the study progresses.

What are the 7 main steps for conducting a qualitative CA?

1. Review existing literature
2. Collect your qualitative data using 1 or more methods (interviews, focus groups)
3. Prepare your data for analysis (qualitative data is easier to analyze if tangible, such as a transcript)
4. Start the coding process. Depending on your approach (conventional, directive, summative) use the appropriate coding technique (open, theoretical, axial)
5. Develop coding framework
6. Identify categories and themes emerging from coding of your data
7. Interpretation: review your codes, categories and themes. What is the data telling you about the communication phenomenon you're studying? Connect your interpretation with your research question.

From which research paradigms can you conduct a CA?

A CA can be social scientific, interpretive and critical. CA is a multifaceted method.

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