Research Paradigms - Introduction and Ethics

7 important questions on Research Paradigms - Introduction and Ethics

What does the term communications mean? And how does this differ from the term communication?

Technological system for transmission of information. Examples: phone, tv, internet etc. The difference with communication is that it's a technology.

Ethics has many different definitions. What is the definition according to Stephen and Daniel, the authors of the textbook "Understanding Communication Research Methods"?

The actions, thoughts, values, principles and communicative practices one has in determining how to interact with and treat others.

Ethics has many different definitions. What is the definition according to Stephen and Daniel, the authors of the textbook "Understanding Communication Research Methods"?

The actions, thoughts, values, principles and communicative practices one has in determining how to interact with and treat others.
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*Who created the Belmont Report and why?

The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, in response to many unethical incidents in the past

*What does the Belmont Report outline and what are the 3 key principles identified?

It outlines ethical guidelines and principles for research with human subjects. The 3 key principles: respect, beneficence & justice

What is an exempt research project? And a nonexempt research project?

Exempt research project -> has minimal risk, similar to the risk a person faces in a normal day.
Nonexempt research project -> a project with higher levels of risk for participants or if participants are not able to consent for themselves

What is expedited review by the IRB? And how do you qualify for exempt research?

Exempt research receives expedited (accelerated) review by IRB. To qualify for exempt research, participants must personally consent to the research

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