Research Paradigms - The Interpretive Paradigm - Interpretive Approach Defined

3 important questions on Research Paradigms - The Interpretive Paradigm - Interpretive Approach Defined

What is the interpretive paradigm?

Interpretive paradigm= reality is constructed through subjective perceptions and interpretations. Interpretive researchers believe the study of human communication has different standards and methods than the natural sciences. They study the social construction of meaning through analysis of individualized purposes, goals and intentions in communication.

How do interpretivists differ in their approach to the scientific method and scientific rigor compared to social scientific and critical research?

Interpretive research answers many of the same questions as social scientific and critical research, but in different ways than the other paradigms. As with the other research paradigms, they generate or test theories, however they have their own view of theory. They rarely use hypothesis, instead use research questions to guide their work. Research questions are another form of educated guesses about the relationship between variables

What is rationalism and which researchers use this?

Interpretivists set aside the social scientific notion of empiricism (only researching what you can observe). Instead they embrace rationalism = gaining knowledge through use of logic and reason. Learning and describing the world around us through a variety of means (e.g. Variety of ways individuals experience existence of god)

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