Research Design - Evaluating Research-Warrants - Warrants for Evaluating Interpretive Research

11 important questions on Research Design - Evaluating Research-Warrants - Warrants for Evaluating Interpretive Research

Which 8 criteria/warrants do interpretivists use to evaluate what is good?

1. Worthy topic
2. Rich rigor
3. Sincerity
4. Credibility
5. Resonance
6. Significant contribution
7. Ethical
8. Meaningful coherence

What is a fundamental difference between social scientific and interpretive researchers?

A fundamental difference is that social scientists strive for reliable samples that are generalizable, while interpretive researchers do not. They study smaller samples that are in-depth analyses of how groups/case studies understand the world.

What does the first warrant (worthy topic) entail?

A worthy topic should be interesting, significant, timely and relevant to the discipline and/or society. Some topics get their relevance and interest factors because they may reveal something new or show something researchers have overlooked about a theory or society. Other topics may get their worth because they are personally important to the researcher. You as the researcher need to justify/explain the topic's worth.
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What does the second warrant (rigor) entail?

Rigor= steps must be taken to make sure the research is done appropriately. To determine rigor, ask yourself the following:
1. Am I using the most appropriate theory/theories?
2. Did I spend enough time in the field? (if you collect data in the field)
3. Is my sample the right size, the right data?
4. Are my data collection and analysis techniques the correct ones for what I am doing?

What does the third warrant (sincerity) entail?

Sincerity= how genuine and vulnerable you are as a researcher. We all make mistakes when doing research, and we should share these mistakes when we write our analysis. Discussion of a study's limitation is imperative to being an open and transparent researcher.

Which 4 contributions do interpretive studies make to scholarship? (the sixth warrant)

As with all research, the work needs to make some kind of contribution to scholarship.
1. Theoretical
2. Heuristic
3. Methodological
4. Practical
A study does not need to make each contribution, but al least one.

Which 4 contributions do interpretive studies make to scholarship? (the sixth warrant)

As with all research, the work needs to make some kind of contribution to scholarship.
1. Theoretical
2. Heuristic
3. Methodological
4. Practical
A study does not need to make each contribution, but al least one.

What does the seventh warrant (ethical) entail?

The study should be conducted in an ethical manner (see Ch. 1 for basic ethical procedures present in all research projects). No matter the paradigm, informed consent, doing no harm, avoiding deception and guaranteeing privacy/confidentiality are essential to a 'good' project. In the method section of many studies you will likely read how researchers worked to ensure this

What does the seventh warrant (ethical) entail?

The study should be conducted in an ethical manner (see Ch. 1 for basic ethical procedures present in all research projects). No matter the paradigm, informed consent, doing no harm, avoiding deception and guaranteeing privacy/confidentiality are essential to a 'good' project. In the method section of many studies you will likely read how researchers worked to ensure this

What does the eight warrant (coherence) entail?

Coherence= Essentially, does a study do what it set out to do and does it make sense? You should be careful to be sure you are actually measuring/exploring what you say you are. Ultimately, a coherent study for interpretive scholars shows coherency for the audience through linking their methods with literature and argumentation.

E.g. If you want to study attachment between partners, don't study lust, love, jealousy, but really attachment.

What does the eight warrant (coherence) entail?

Coherence= Essentially, does a study do what it set out to do and does it make sense? You should be careful to be sure you are actually measuring/exploring what you say you are. Ultimately, a coherent study for interpretive scholars shows coherency for the audience through linking their methods with literature and argumentation.

E.g. If you want to study attachment between partners, don't study lust, love, jealousy, but really attachment.

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