Research Methods - Content Analysis - Units of Analysis

4 important questions on Research Methods - Content Analysis - Units of Analysis

What are 2 issues to consider when determining units of analysis?

1. In every CA, choose the scale of the content you are going to code
2. Think how you are going to count the units. The unit of analysis= the specific parameters you are analyzing. It depends on the objective of your study. After choosing the unit of analysis, you need to consider the recording units and context units of analysis.

What are recording unit of analysis and context unit of analysis?

Recording unit of analysis focuses on the content
Context unit of analysis= the context surrounding the content (recording unit), to make sure you do not code something into the wrong category

How do you count quantitative CA data?

3 ways: 1) frequency= the number of times a unit is recorded, 2) space and time (space= amount of coverage devoted to a message e.g. Number of words, number of paragraphs, column inches in a newspaper, seconds/minutes in a video) & 3) intensity/direction
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What differs quantitative CA from qualitative CA?

Both often count data in similar ways, but their coding schedule, pilot testing and analysis may differ

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