Research Methods - Interviewing - Approaches to Interviewing

6 important questions on Research Methods - Interviewing - Approaches to Interviewing

What are the 3 traditional approaches of interviewing?

1. Structured
2. Semi-structured
3. Unstructured

No matter which approach a researcher may choose, using interviews as a data collection method should be guided in some way by theoretical inquiry (Ch. 2-4 for refresher about relationship between theory and method)

What are benefits of structured interviews?

1) Interviewers only need to be trained to follow basic data collection instructions
2) Less of a relationship is generally developed between the interviewer and participants
3) data collected is considered more reliable

How is an interview guide used in semi-structured interviews?

Researchers who conduct semi-structured interviews combine techniques of structured and unstructured interviews. You prepare a flexible guide (or list of questions) to help guide the conversation. The guide is flexible, you can follow the flow and adapt as the conversation progresses (e.g. If something is important to the participant, you can spend more time on the subject than something else on the guide).
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How is an interview guide used in unstructured interviews?

Unstructured interviews generally do not have an interview guide. You instead spend time building rapport and allowing each participant to shape how they want to talk about the subject of the study.

Building rapport (during the interview process) is important. It entails showing respect for the people being interviewed, so that what they say is important because of who is saying it. Building rapport can be done in many ways.

When are semi-structured interviews and unstructured interviews used?

Semi-structured interviews when: 1) interviewers only have 1 chance to meet with participants in the field & 2) ethnographic observation can precede the interviews.

Unstructured interviews when researchers: 1) plan to revisit the same participants on multiple occasions & 2) are open to having participants influence their understanding/approach to the subject/context

Is audio or video recording done during semi-structured and unstructured interviews?

Generally, researchers ask participants if they can audio or video record the interview. In-depth note taking is always a good idea during interviews, even when you are recording. Because you can note observations and insights which may not be as apparent on a recording. Notes are also your backup in case the recording files are damaged.

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