China: A Geographic Preface - Regions

5 important questions on China: A Geographic Preface - Regions

Which two major divisions can be distinguished when looking at the regions of China?

  1. east-west
  2. north-south

How are east and west divided in China?

The east of China (called China Proper) lies east of a line from Yunnan in the southwest looping around Beijing and Hebei to the sea. China Frontier (west) is west of that line.

Describe China Frontier

Western China is far less populated and much of the population does not consider itself Han (including Mongols, Tibetans, Hui and Uyghur). Tibetans and Mongols adhere to Lama Buddhism and Hui and Uyghur follow Islam. 

The region consists of mountains and deserts and has low rainfall. There is little industry, evne though it one of China's richest sources for oil and coal. 
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Describe the northern region of east China.

It is the cultural heart of China and watered by the Yellow River. Rainfall is adequate for agriculture. People raise wheat, which they eat in the form of noodles or steamed bread. Most of the industry is in the north because of the coal and oil. The northern Mandarin dialect is the basis for the standard language. 

Describe the southern regio of east China.

The Yangtze River and West River water the southern part of east Asia. Wet-field agriculture is practiced and rice is the main food crop. The south has few fuel sources and focuses on light industry such as textiles. Southern dialects of the standard language, such as Cantonese, are spoken here.

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