Population Growth and Urbanization - City and Countryside in History

8 important questions on Population Growth and Urbanization - City and Countryside in History

Name three possible reasons which have made China a country that is always 'on the move':

For example: droughts, floods, plagues, famines, rebellions, conquerors, public work projects. 

What was the principal role of cities in late imperial China?

As commerical centers; public officials and merchants interacted to tap and regulate markets and means of production, creating both wealth for citizens and the government.

How did villages contribute to China's wealth?

They produced goods in cottage industries, raised crops and helped maintain canals, roads and streams that served as transportation networks to move goods to and from the cities.
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Why did officials establish towns in areas with less commerce?

To keep their rule alive. By establishing these towns they could control the populace and maintain defense networks. 

When did the role of cities as centers of trade and administration start?

In the period of the Shang Dynasty

How could you distinguish cities whose main occupation was trade from cities whose main occupation was administration?

Cities with significance in administration were surrounded by tall walls and defense rivers. They were the settlements for governmental offices and the army and could protect residents during war time.

Cities without administrative significance did not have these walls and also far smaller populations. 

Why did large cities develop much earlier in China than in Europe?

Since the Qin unification in 221 BCE, the country needed to establish a strong administration system to manage the large territory, which is why large cities/centers of governance developed. Large cities only developed in the 18th century in Europe, after the Industrial Revolution.

When did the population of ports along the coast start to rise rapidly?

After the Opium Wars; the treaty ports served as trade centers and transportation ports between China and other countries.

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