Family, Kinship, Marriage, Sexuality - Ethnic Minorities

7 important questions on Family, Kinship, Marriage, Sexuality - Ethnic Minorities

What are the differences between the Han and Hui with regard to finding a mate and marriage?

  • Hui are much more likely to find a mate through parental arrangements or matchmakers than Han; the Hui rely more on traditional approaches. 

  • Han are more likely to find a mate through coworkers

  • Hui are less likely to find a mate in a workmate, because they insist on marrying fellow Muslims or persons who promise to convert. 

  • More Han find a spouse on their own in comparison to Hui

Why is it unlikely that a Han women will convert to Islam and marry a Hui man?

There are little incentives in doing so; the level of educational and economic attainment among Han tends to be higher than among the Hui.

What are the similarities between the Han and Hui with regard to marriage and living arrangements?

  • Both Han and Hui do not often use friends and relatives for introductions before their marriage. 

  • The majority of Han and Hui living with their spouses and unmarried children, and few are childless couples. 
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How are the Han and Uyghur similar with regard to arranged marriages?

There is a rapid decline in parental arrangement for both Uyghur Muslims and Han Chinese. (However, the Hui are more likely to report on arranged marriage).

Why are Uyghur women more likely to report on arranged marriage than Uyghur men?

Uyghur women have a lower degree of authority in the marriage market than the Uyghur men, probably because the traditional Muslim family was based on a partiarchal hierarchy, where women were viewed as the repository of the family honor. Muslim motherhood was regarded as the safeguard of Islamic culture. 

In addition, Uyghur men were give more power and autnomy, since they have to compete with the Han Chinese in the labor market, which also reduced the control of parents on marriage decisions. 

What may be a possible reason for Uyghur living in larger households than Han? 

The Chinese government has restricted every urban Han couple to one child and has privileged urban Uyghurs to have two children per couple.

Why are Uyghur professionals and Communist Party Members less likely to have a large household than other Uyghurs?

Families who are exposed to modernization (like professionals and communist party members) are likely to have lower fertility rates and family size. 

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