Family, Kinship, Marriage, Sexuality - Marriage

5 important questions on Family, Kinship, Marriage, Sexuality - Marriage

Describe the traditional Chinese marriage.

Many marriages were arranged by the parents and the bride and groom first met at their wedding day. Parents would often already contract marriages when their children were young. 

How could arranged marriage contribute to a family's success?

  • Old alliances between families could be strengthened and new ones formed.
  • Parents secured support in their old age through these arrangements.
  • Resources were transferred from one family to another. 

Why did parental influence in the marriage institution erode after the turn of the 20th century?

Reformers and revolutionaries denounced the personal misery and suicides that had resultated from the arranged marriages. The struggles of young people with traditional practices led to significant changes (in age and freedom to choose your own partner for example).
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Why are Chinese men willing to spend high fees on dating websites?

As a result of the one-child-policy there are 120 males for every 100 females, which declines the prospects of marrying for Chinese men. Paying these high fees for dating websites therefore seems worthwile.

How did the ideas about marriage change in rural areas?

Working in the collectives gave young peasants opportunities for daily contact unavailable to them in the past, which increased their freedom to marry someone of their own choosing. After decollectivization, this greater freedom stayed; when parents arranged a marriage, the youth were given the opportunity to meet and agree or they could meet on their own through dating and ask their parents to prepare the wedding.

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