Literature and Popular Culture - Singers and Poets

6 important questions on Literature and Popular Culture - Singers and Poets

Why did Confucianists preserve so many texts (including poetry)?

They preserved texts which embodied the virtues and moral principles they held most sacred (humanity, decorum, righteousness, and respect for superiors) for the moral edification of future literate generations. 

Describe Tang poetry.

In the Tang dynasty, poetry was at its highest level of artistry; subject matter and themes were vastly expanded. Tang poetry was fresh in that it provided insights and powerful emotions from an engaging, familiar perspective. The poetry became more personal and emotional. The distinction between elite and popular poetry became less clear; Poems from popular poets circulated on all levels of society, even among illiterates. 

Why did the line between elite and popular culture start to blur from the Tang dynasty on?

From the Tang Dynasty onwards, the ability to read and write started to spread and was no longer in the literati's exclusive control. Popular, folk and foreign forms fed back into elite culture.
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What kind of distinct forms of culture did the literate class begin to form from the late Tang dynasty on?

They collected exquisite objects like vases and ancient bronzes, fashioned carefully landscaped gardens within private estates and enjoyed entertainments provided by courtesans. 

What does the term 'ci' refer to?

It refers to the lyrics of popular songs. The art of ci was about writing new lyrics to familiar songs. This new form of poetry began to evolve in the later part of the Tang dynasty. By the time of the Northern-Song dynasty, the ci-form dominated poetry. 

To what cultural activities did elite writers turn when 'shi' became old-fashioned?

They shifted their emphasis to drama and fiction.

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