Family, Kinship, Marriage, Sexuality - Sexuality

3 important questions on Family, Kinship, Marriage, Sexuality - Sexuality

Before the 1980s premarital virginity and conjugal fidelity were extremly important. Which punishments were given if individuals were caught in premarital sex or adultery?

Mass criticism, forced confessions, demotions, dismissal. Occasionally, an adulterer would be sentenced to imprisonment on a verdict of hooliganism or rape. 

How has the focus of the public discourse on sexuality changed since the 1980s?

It used to focus on chastity and self-restraint, emphasizing that improperly managed feelings can lead to physical harm and social ruin. Nowadays the focus is not so much on chastity, but the importance of managing sexual feelings as to properly manage the body and role in society is still emphasized.

What factors have led to the growing AIDS problem in China?

  • Looser sexual restrictions
  • Drug usage
  • Sex trafficking
  • Careless bloof transfusions
  • Prostitution
  • Little formal education about sex (few use condoms)

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