Women and Development - Women and Economic Reform
16 important questions on Women and Development - Women and Economic Reform
Why do rural women have less freedom to migrate to cities?
What kind of jobs do unmarried women usually have when they have migrated into the cities?
Why is not surprising that women also migrated for labor opportunities despite the fact that they have less freedom and opportunities in comparison to men?
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Which two strategies have women in rural China pursued in response to China's policies toward economic development?
- Household commodity production; grow and sell commercial crops. (especially when located near cities and town or with good transportation).
- Employment in village industry (e.g. work on assemlby line productions of clothing or electronic products).
How is the market economy more advantageous to women than the former collective system?
Despite liberalizing the rural economy in the reform period, the government has tightened control on reproduction. Explain the family planning policy.
Why has the Chinese government decided to adopt measures to encourage parents to value and raise daughters?
How does the one-child policy affect women?
- The policy is implemented through direct body controls. Women are tested through X-rays and ultrasounds for pregnancy and abortion and sterilization are measures taken to make sure the policy is lived by.
- It accentuates the importance of sons (males) over daughters (females). The policy forces families to confont the risk of having no son at all if their first (and perhaps second) child is a daughter.
Why don't Chinese women experience the family planning policy as completely bad?
- Without the policy, women would probably still not be in control of their reproduction. The partiarchal family could force women to bear more children then they want if the policy is dropped.
- And most rural women in China wish to bear children until they produce a son. Their sons secures them a position in their husband's families. Legally, a son also owes them economic support in old age.
What factors have led to the escalating demand for bridewealth?
- The increased prosperity due to the economic reforms
- Greater access to market commodities
- Relaxation of communist moral doctrines
Which trends can be spotted in marriages in which the women had a choice?
What can be a negative side effect of protective regulations for women in the labor force?
In the special economic zones where protective regulations for women are non-existent there is a high proportion of women in the work population. But what are the disadvantages of this situation for women?
For what reasons fo some manufacturers prefer women over men?
How do schools and universities deal with organizations that prefer to hire women over men?
What has been the effect of the increased income of women?
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